Bible Study: Sunday 9:00 AM, Saturday 7:00 PM | Worship: Sunday 10:00 AM, Saturday 6:00 PM
High School
The purpose of Immanuel Lutheran High School is to assist parents in providing a Christian education to their children. God directs parents in Proverbs 22:6 to “train a child in the way he should go,” namely, in the Lord’s way. This God-ordained work involves the application of God’s inspired and inerrant Word. Children need the instruction, guidance, discipline, and security that only God’s Word can give. Immanuel Lutheran High School offers this type of education.
In general, Immanuel has two goals for the students entrusted to its care: that they will grow in the knowledge and love of Jesus, their Savior; and that they will also become useful members of society. To accomplish these two goals, all aspects of the individual—soul, mind and body—must be trained.
The first goal mentioned above is reached through the study of God’s Word. Accomplishing the second goal—producing useful members of society—also relies on the use of God’s Word. Since the “fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” God’s Word serves as the backdrop for all of our classes and provides us with a purpose for studying all topics. We study biology, mathematics, earth sciences, and physics to gain insight into His creation. In history classes, we learn of God’s all-powerful and abiding hand in the affairs of the world around us. We study language arts to improve our communication skills. The most valuable use of these skills is to share God’s message of peace and promise with others. We consider a Christian education, such as the one offered by Immanuel, to be the most complete and meaningful type of education available.