All meals include a fruit, vegetable, and milk. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is available in place of a main course.
Monday, Mar.7
Turkey sandwich
Tuesday, Mar. 8
Meatballs & mashed potatoes
Wednesday, Mar. 9
Thursday, Mar. 10
Hot dogs & buttered noodles
No School
There will be no school on Thursday, Mar. 3 and Friday, Mar. 4, as we host the CAL tournament. There will also be no school on Friday, Mar. 11.
ILS Senior Night at Pizza Ranch
Monday, March 7 from 4:30-9:00pm
Please come out and enjoy some pizza and help support the ILS Class of 2022 with their trip to Florida in April.
Red Cross Blood drive
The Senior Class is hosting a Blood Drive on March 11th from 11am – 4pm in the gym. To schedule a time please call 1-800-733-2767 or visit and enter ImmanuelELC.
Kwik Trip Scrip Cards
Please help support ILS Athletics by purchasing Kwik Trip scrip cards in the school office. $50, $20, $10, and $5 denominations are available.
Late Start
There will be a regularly scheduled two-hour late start on Tuesday, Mar. 8. Supervision will be available starting at 8:00am for students who need to be dropped off early. Please let Mr. Harris know by 3:00pm on Monday, Mar. 7 if you will need childcare.
ILS Athletic Calendar
Come watch our athletes and support ILS Athletics. Check out game times at
Arts Camp
Arts Camp for grades 5-8 is back this year on
March 25-27.
Go to [email protected]
for more information.
Box Tops for Education
Box Tops for Education is one of the biggest fundraisers for PTO. Since converting from clipping box tops to the mobile app that scans receipts, our income from Box Tops for Education has significantly decreased. PTO would like to encourage all of you to download the Box Tops append scan your receipts. Immanuel’s earnings are updated online! If you do not want to download the app, you are highly encouraged to turn your receipts into the Box Tops bin by the church basement doors and a member of PTO will scan them for you. Receipts must be less than 14 days old. Immanuel’s lifetime school earnings are $7957. Let’s keep that number growing!
Here is the link for Box Tops for Education:
Sunday School
The Sunday School lesson for this weekend is the story of Jesus and His disciples in the upper room. Children ages 3 through 6th grade are encouraged to attend on Saturdays at 7:00pm, or ages 3 through high school on Sundays at 9:00am.
Supervision of Students at the CAL Tournament
All students, 8th grade and under, need to be supervised by an adult during the upcoming CAL Basketball Tournament (March 3-5). Students not under the direct supervision of an adult will be asked to leave the facility.
CAL Tournament
Game Schedule
Come to the CAL Tournament and support our teams! Our girls’ team plays at 11:30am on Thursday and our boys’ team plays at 4:45pm on Thursday. All other games for the Immanuel teams will be determined by the outcome of those listed above.
Volunteers Still Needed
We are still in need of volunteers to help in concession and as hall monitors. Please contact Mrs. Harris in the school office (345-3027) or Julie Busch (507-720-4532) to sign up.
Parents of Athletes
All families are asked to bring baked goods to be used to sell at the tournament. Please bring baked items to the school kitchen before the by the morning of March 3rd.