Weekly Update 2/21/20


Monday, Feb. 24

Spaghetti bake, green beans, peaches

Tuesday, Feb. 25

Pancakes with toppings, sausage links, orange juice, banana

Wednesday, Feb. 26

Chicken nuggets, side salad, mandarin oranges

Thursday, Feb. 27

Chili, breadsticks, veggies & dip, pears

Friday, Feb. 28

Pork sandwich, baked beans, applesauce

Grade School Sings

K-8th students will sing during the 10:00 am service on Sunday, Feb. 23. There will be a rehearsal at 9:45 am in the 7th & 8th grade room.

Science Fair

The Immanuel Science Fair is on Friday, Feb. 28. Students in grades 3-6 will be presenting their projects to a panel of judges. All presentations will be on display over the weekend. Please feel free to stop by and look at their hard work. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Kranz at [email protected]

ILS Athletic Calendar

Come watch our athletes and support ILS Athletics. Check out game times at https://www.immanuelmankato.org/school/ils-calendar/

 Parent letter

Immanuel Athletes and Parents:

 We are grateful to be able host the CAL Basketball Tournament at Immanuel again this year on March 5th, 6th, and 7th. This tournament is the major fund raiser for our athletic program. To run a successful tournament, we need numerous volunteers to help each day. All Immanuel high school athletes are asked to volunteer for at least one shift each day (Thursday and Friday) of the tournament. Parents of athletes are also asked to volunteer at least one shift each day of the tournament. You may sign up after church services or by contacting the school office during the week (345-3027). Non-member volunteers will receive complimentary passes to the tournament.

All High School parents are also asked to bring baked goods (uncut bars, bread, etc.) to be sold at the CAL Tournament.  Please bring baked items to the church kitchen no later than the morning of Thursday, March 7th.

If you have any questions, please contact Julie Busch at 345-3027 or 386-0706.

CAL Basketball Tournament

Our annual high school Christian Athletic League (CAL) Basketball Tournament is coming up March 5th, 6th, and 7th.  Information about the basketball tournament (i.e. game locations, game times, etc.) can be found online at:

Volunteers Needed

We are in need of volunteers to help monitor halls, help clean up, and work in the concession stand (We do ask that all students 8th grade and under who wish to work in the concession stand sign up with a parent/guardian).  Also, food donations of ground beef and monetary donations toward boneless, skinless chicken breast are appreciated.  Sign-up sheets for volunteers and donations will be available after church the next two Sundays, after church Wednesday, February 26 and March 4, and in the school office during the week.

Tournament Passes 

Tournament passes (wristbands) will be distributed to members of Immanuel congregation at no charge to show our appreciation for your support of our athletic program.  Non-member volunteers will also receive complimentary passes.  Passes must be picked up after church the next two Sundays, or after church Wednesday, February 26 or March 4. Passes may also be picked up in the school office through Wednesday, March 4th.  Spectators and volunteers must present a pass or pay the $7.00 admission fee.  Children ages 12 and under receive free admission and do not need a pass. 

Concessions Tabs

All families that have a concessions tab from the basketball season are asked to pay off their tab before the start of the CAL Tournament.  Please contact the school office (345-3027) to pay off your tab.

If you have any questions concerning the CAL Tournament, please contact Julie Busch 345-3027 or 386-0706.

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